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What we do

some of the activities at st peter's...


Ignite Families

Thursday after school from 3.15pm


An after-school event where hot food is available followed by fun and games and interactive faith activities.


* Adults must accompany their children

Ignite logo
Collage of activities at Sunbeams
Sunbeams Logo
Sunbeams Soft Play

Monday and Wednesday* 9am - 11am

Tuesday Baby Group 9am -11am (limited spaces)


We cater for babies and children up to age 5 and their parents/carers.

Entry is £2.00 per family, so just come along, sign your little ones in at the entrance, gel hands and play!  Tea and filter coffee is free.

A free healthy snack for the children will be served at a point during the morning.

​We are closed during half term and school holidays.


* on Wednesday's NHS health visitors run a weigh in clinic

The church Gate
Youth Group

Youth Group is on 6.00 - 7.00pm on Wednesdays

with Youth Group+ 7.00 - 7.30pm


Caters for children in years 6, 7 and 8 and a registration form has to be filled in before entry.


Every Wednesday 6.00 - 7.30pm

Children's Ministry

Sunday Clubs are on during

the church service at 10.30am.


Older Children from year 6 upwards 


Middle children years 3, 4 & 5


Youngest Children age 1 to yr 2. 


The church Bell
Alpha Logo


Alpha is a 10 week course that gives you the chance to explore the Christian faith, or revisit the foundations of what it’s all about. Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. No two Alphas courses look quite alike, but you can expect food, a talk or video and good conversation. Come along, bring a friend and ask all your questions about life, faith and Jesus.


Our next course will be announced in due course.

Saturday Breakfast

Open to all is on every other Saturday 9.00 -11.00am

Next Breakfast is on 18th January


Friday Tea

Once a month 2pm- 4pm

Next Tea is Friday 17th January

Images of a table setting
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